Crazy2Calm Canine Coaches is a collaborative effort that brings together various resources created and shared by our network of Trainers, Team Coaches, & Behavior Consultants. The lead coach is Penny Beeman. Other Coaches will be added as this group grows. All the Coaches in this collaboration are committed to maintaining a Force Free Training Style free from the use of aversive tools that cause pain to the dogs we work with.
Yooper Paws of Love is located in Northern Michigan in the beautifully rustic Upper Peninsula and is owned by Penny Beeman.
Yooper Paws of Love is dedicated to providing training "With Love" to you and your 4-legged friend!My mission as a trainer is to EDUCATE owners to ENGAGE better with their dogs to EMPOWER them to function as an effective team together.
My name is Penny Beeman and I own Yooper Paws of Love. I've been working with dogs for over 30 years, beginning with my family dogs, expanding to help friends and family with their dogs, working with rescue dogs, and then training my own Service Dogs.
I've always believed in training with kindness, but over the last 5 yrs I've grown into a force free trainer using positive reinforcement methods. I have a certificate in Advanced Animal Behaviors from ILLIS ABC.
As a trainer, I help families & their dogs learn to enjoy each other’s company by developing a teamwork & games based approach to dog training that is as individualized as the family I’m helping!
I specialize in large breed working dogs that have a job within their family. Often Azul, my Service Dog helps to demonstrate training skills, build confidence in young dogs, and increase focus within the human/dog team helping to create families and dogs who love being together. My dog training is done using science based, force free dog training methods to teach dogs the behaviors that are desired around humans. This method is proven to reduce the frequency in behaviors that are undesirable in the human world that we live in. In creating clarity of expectations with a family based approach, my clients can develop the dog of their dreams that fits well in their family’s lifestyle.
Many of my clients are training their dogs to be Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and other types of working dogs that are able to demonstrate manners and maintain training in public environments.
I work with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs to satisfy a national standard of training for all Therapy Dogs. I also offer a Service Dog Public Access Test to my clients with disabilities.
With a certificate in Advanced Animal Behaviors combined with nearly 30 years of experience, I am qualified to assist with a wide range of training needs and provide Behavioral Consults.
Penny is the Canine Coach heading up the Challenging Behaviors Workgroup to create a Training Workshop & Mini-Classes focusing on helping owners with creative solutions for managing and training alternative behaviors to those challenging behaviors!
Additional Coaches
Hello and welcome new members, my name is Ashlynn Holt. I am one of the coaches. Lilly is my owner trained service dog. Some of you don't know I use a wheelchair when in public. When I was a toddler, I had something eating away at the brain stem level of my spinal cord which left me unable to move any part of my body except my eyes. I had to relearn everything including (speaking, balance, walking, using my hands) that's why when I got Lilly, I put a great deal of effort into mobility training with her. We have been working together for almost 8 years now.
Daisy is my SDIT now. She was born April 24th, 2022. So, she is 5 months old. She’s doing well with learning foundational skills and obedience cues.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with the group. I'm here to help you with any training questions you may have.
Ashlynn is the Canine Coach heading up the Wheelchair Workgroup that will be putting out some great resources on this website in 2023!

Like most coaches of her generation, she first learned to work with animals using force. After loosing two dogs, in two weeks, she got her dream dog, a Newfoundland named Sprockett. Through training classes with Sprockett, Cindy was introduced to ‘clicker training’ which was still relatively new in the dog training world. For the first time Cindy was able to teach Sprockett all kinds of things she never dreamed of.
Over the years Cindy has continued to educate herself, has taken several classes through Karen Pryor Academy. Most recently she has become a Pro Dog Trainer through Absolute Dogs and is continuing her education with their Geek and Genius programs.
Currently Cindy lives in Clovis, California with her service dog Nick, a Standard Poodle and her Great Pyrenees, Pau. Cindy has a FB page at Nick the Service Dog as her spot to highlight her Service Dog's Achievements and the main Clovis Paws for Play for training assistance and local meet up information.
Cindy is the Canine Coach coordinating the Public Access Class Workgroup! This class will be a follow up class to the SD Foundations Class that was created in 2022.
Cassie's Teachable Moments is hosted by Gretta Eaton with her Service Dog Cassie as a Demo Dog. Gretta will be working with the Canine Coaches to help develop resources for training a Service Dog from a Wheelchair. This is one of the new 2023 projects planned for Crazy2Calm Canine Coaches and we are happy to Gretta as a resource providing help with training videos, assisting with Virtual Classes, and participating in SD Handler Chats.
Support Staff
We also have some moderators with experience in Owner Training their own Service Dogs. They have worked with both Cindy and I long enough to demonstrate their skills as a trainer and will be helping us with Admin roles in virtual classrooms and the C2C Canine Coach Collaborative.
Ashlynn Holt, Facebook Group Admin
Ruff Times with Lilly & Daisy, Service Dog Owner Trainer
Faith Weber, Virtual Classroom Admin
Yooper Paws of Love, Training Assistant
Adelos Animal Training, Training Horses & Dogs
Ludwig has earned a Certification in Applied Animal Behavior from ILLIS ABC to become a Behavior Consultant.
To contact any of these Canine Coaches please email us at
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